You made a positive and important decision about the wellness of your hearing. Time has now come to get prepared for your appointment! The following questions will help you reap the most benefit from your visit to your hearing health professional:

How serious is it and will it get worse?

Undoubtedly, the extent of possible damage to your hearing will be on the top of the list of things you need to know.  Take some time to acquaint yourself with the different types of hearing loss.  Be assured that after taking a comprehensive exam, and in tandem with our team, there will be many options to keep your sense of hearing at optimal levels.

Types of hearing loss:

Conductive (CH) means that there is a restriction of sound waves within the outer ear, eardrum or middle ear.

Sensorineural (SHL) indicates that damage has been incurred in the inner ear or neural networks from the inner ear to the brain.


A combination of sensorineural and conductive.

Will I need hearing aids in both ears?

That will depend on whether you need hearing devices at all. Remember that you will go through a series of tests that will determine what type and which level of loss has incurred. When the need for hearing devices arises, usually both ears are fitted for a richer hearing experience.

How do I know what will work best for me?

The answer lies in a combination of the information you have provided regarding your lifestyle and budgetary needs, the evidence from the examinations and the evaluations made by your specialist.

Keep in mind that the technology for hearing and hearing assistive devices is quite sophisticated these days. The market offers many levels of quality, prices and an abundance of products to choose from.

What exams will I take?

In order to rule out infections, inflammations or excessive earwax a physical exam will be conducted, and like all the other exams, will be non-invasive.

A whisper test showing the accuracy of your responses to spoken words at varying volumes with one ear covered.

Audiometry tests are more comprehensive. They will cover the range and frequencies of sounds and words as well as the lowest levels of speech your ears comprehend. Ask your specialist which ones and why. This will help you to determine which hearing devices will suit you best!

How can I afford them?

Some private insurance companies offer optional plans for hearing, dental and vision. If you are a veteran, fully employed or a college student you will have more options to help with covering the cost. Plans tend to vary from state to state and only recently has the need for hearing devices come to the forefront national health needs. Our team is familiar with budgetary needs and we can answer any questions you have.

Will they last?

Before you purchase make sure and check the warranty offered in great detail and align your expectations accordingly. The quality of your purchase as well as the type of activities your lifestyle dictates will determine their longevity. A good hearing instrument specialist will provide all the necessary information you need to keep your devices clean and good working order.

Will I benefit right away? 

Yes! However, expect to make adjustments until they perform optimally to your liking. Our team will follow up with you to make sure your hearing devices will be fine-tuned best as possible for a full hearing experience.

What happens if I make the wrong choice?

We understand that hearing is an innately personal experience. We’re here to help you every step of the way, and we’ll use your hearing test results and conversations about your lifestyle and hearing needs to make sure that your devices are tailored specifically for you.

One is to be very clear about your activities, both social and physical, and your daily lifestyle choices. If you prefer watching TV to going to a movie at the cinema, it might make a difference in your final choice.

Our conversations with you will give our team better insight as to which devices best fit your needs. Another important thing to know is that most companies allow for a grace period in which you can use the devices and evaluate their compatibility to your daily requirements. If you need more information please reach out and give us a call and we will get you prepared for your appointment with confidence.