Growing Evidence that Noise is Bad for Your Health
We are constantly absorbing and processing noise – from alarm clocks, to traffic, and construction sites. Everyday noises can be annoying but they can also be bad for your health. Increasing evidence shows that noise can take a toll on health in a variety of...
Difficulties with Communication Could Signal a Hearing Loss
If you feel like you’ve been struggling to keep up with conversations recently or you frequently miss parts of what others are saying, this could indicate changes in your hearing health. Difficulties with communication is a common sign of hearing loss, a chronic...
A Link Between Gout & Hearing Loss
Hearing loss is one of the most prevalent health conditions that people experience today. In fact, over 48 million people have some degree of impaired hearing. Extensive research shows that numerous health conditions are correlated, or can be linked, with hearing loss...
Preparing for Spring Allergy Season
As Spring approaches, many of us are increasingly excited about the sun and warmer temperatures. But the changing of seasons also means an increase of pollen and mold in the environment, activating springtime allergies. Allergies are the most common type of health...