Working with Hearing Loss

Working with Hearing Loss

If you have hearing loss, you might have noticed that it can affect you at work. Each job is quite different when it comes to the necessity to hear in the workplace. Of course, jobs in customer service and other front-facing positions require quick and fluid...
More on Meniere’s Disease

More on Meniere’s Disease

Hearing loss can be caused by a range of factors including inner ear disorders. This includes meniere’s disease, a condition that can also contribute to balance issues and vertigo. Meniere’s disease, named after the French doctor who first discovered it in 1861,...
How to Prevent Swimmers Ear

How to Prevent Swimmers Ear

Living an active lifestyle is a great way to stay healthy, fit, and energetic. Particularly during the summer months, you might find yourself enjoying water sports and swimming as recreational activities. Others of us enjoy swimming for exercise, and indoor pools are...
Osteoporosis and Hearing Loss

Osteoporosis and Hearing Loss

When we think about hearing loss, bone health is likely the last thing to come to mind. What could the musculoskeletal system have to do with hearing? A recent study discovered a surprising link between seemingly separate functions of the body. These findings not only...