Know Alzheimer’s Disease: Treat Hearing Loss in September during World Alzheimer’s Month

Know Alzheimer’s Disease: Treat Hearing Loss in September during World Alzheimer’s Month

Alzheimer’s disease is a neurodegenerative brain disease, characterized by memory loss and decreases in social and physical functioning over time. Discovered in 1906 by Alois Alzheimer, this is the most common form of dementia, affecting over 50 million people...
Exercises to Help with Snoring

Exercises to Help with Snoring

Nearly 45% of adults snore occasionally and an estimated 25% snore on a regular basis. Not only can snoring disrupt your partner’s sleep, but it also reduces the quality of your sleep. This can contribute to or exacerbate sleep disorders, cause people to sleep in...
All About Deviated Septums

All About Deviated Septums

The nasal septum is the thin wall that separates the two nostrils, helping construct the nose. Made of bone and cartilage, the nasal septum separates the left and right airways which is important for effective airflow. Optimally, the septum is centered which means the...