Tinnitus Treatment

ENT specialists are specifically trained to diagnose and treat conditions related to the throat and voice. This includes the numerous components of the throat which can experience various issues that produce symptoms including: difficulty swallowing, sore throats, restricted airflow, hoarseness, and sleep issues.

Treatment for tinnitus depends on the underlying medical condition that is producing it as a symptom. Common treatment options include: 

  • Hearing Aids: the most common treatment for hearing loss is hearing aids. These electronic devices are designed to absorb and process sound which provides ample hearing support. This also alleviates hearing loss symptoms including tinnitus. 
  • Removing Obstructions: this can include removing excess earwax and treating any abnormal growths or other types of blockages in the ear. 
  • Changing Medications: if the cause of tinnitus is medication, your healthcare provider may recommend changing medications or reducing the amount you are taking. 


Tinnitus Treatment

Common Throat & Voice Disorders

There are numerous throat and voice related disorders that we are able to identify and treat. Comprehensive evaluation by your healthcare provider helps identify the specific type of tinnitus you are experiencing and effective treatment options.

Common throat and voice disorders includes:

Subjective Tinnitus
Subjective: this is the most common type of tinnitus which is typically caused by exposure to loud noise, either one time or consistently. The intensity and duration of the tinnitus can range and the person is the only one who can hear the ringing like sound.
Sensory Tinnitus
Sensory: similar to subjective tinnitus, this type is also only perceived by the individual. But rather than being caused by loud noise, it is often caused by a disorder that impacts the auditory system. Specifically affecting the way the brain processes sound which can also create balance issues in addition to tinnitus.
Somatic Tinnitus
Somatic: also referred to as conductive tinnitus, this type is produced by external factors rather than internal damage to the auditory system. This can include quick body motions (like turning the head), muscle spasms, or dental related issues.
Objective Tinnitus
Objective: the least common type of tinnitus, this rare form involves others being able to hear the tinnitus related sounds that you hear.

Causes of Tinnitus

If you experience tinnitus, it is important to be evaluated by your healthcare provider to diagnose any underlying conditions that could be impacting your health. There is a vast range of conditions that can cause tinnitus including the following:

Hearing Loss
Hearing Loss: the most common cause of tinnitus, it is estimated that 90% of all tinnitus cases occur with underlying hearing loss. There are numerous factors that contribute to the development of hearing loss: aging, existing medical conditions, head injuries, and environmental exposure to loud noise. Most commonly, hearing is impaired when the hair cells in the inner ear lose sensitivity and/or die. These hair cells are critical to the auditory system and how we process sound. They translate incoming soundwaves into electrical signals that then go to the brain to be further processed, allowing us to understand what we hear. When these hair cells are damaged by the various factors previously listed, this damage is permanent because these specific cells do not regenerate (unlike other types of cells). This results in permanent hearing loss which is often experienced with tinnitus.
Obstructions in the Middle Ear
Obstructions in the Middle Ear: obstructions are things that physically block sound from easily traveling through the ear. Obstructions can include an accumulation of earwax in the ear canal, foreign objects that enter the ear, hair and other debris etc. These blockages can lead to a buildup of bacteria; potentially causing irritation or infection that impacts the ear canal and/or eardrum. This can produce tinnitus as a result but fortunately, obstructions are often temporary and can be removed!
Ototoxic Medications
Ototoxic Medications: different prescription medications produce tinnitus as a side-effect. These medications include some types of antibiotics, anti-inflammatory medications, specific cancer medications etc. It is important to discuss medications and their side-effects with your healthcare provider.
Existing Medical Conditions
Existing Medical Conditions: there are numerous medical conditions (in addition to hearing loss) that cause tinnitus. Common conditions include: TMJ (temporomandibular joint), thyroid conditions (hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism), autoimmune disorders ( lyme disease for example), and high blood pressure.

We are here to serve you at our 5 different locations.  

Title Address Description
Main Office
2727 S 144th St #250, Omaha, NE 68144, USA2727 S. 144th Street
Suite #250
Omaha, NE 68144
Phone: (402) 778-5250

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2727 South 144th St Suite 250
Omaha, NE 68144

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8PM – 4PM, Monday – Friday